1) Promoting the NEI Resource Guide throughout the state. We are currently involved in preparing papers for publication and identifying places to present the research and to promote the Resource Guide. Based on the preliminary analysis of our follow-up with teachers who attended our Obesity and Youth workshop, identifying "champions" in schools, including superintendents and principals, is an important part of the promotion process. We are selling the Resource Guide at a minimum price of $40 that covers materials and labor, thus we are hoping that we can get at least one copy in the hands of each middle school in Florida and hopefully beyond.
2) Further testing the NEI Resource Guide. We would like to develop projects using an experimental design that incorporate random assignment and control groups to truly determine the extent that the NEI Resource Guide is successful in students’ adopting healthier eating practices. Further, more extensive data collection will need to be considered. For example, data collection for food recalls can be more comprehensive (i.e., including more than one day) to investigate the extent of eating behavior change. Also, physiological measures such as Body Mass Index (BMI) and blood samples could be incorporated.
3) Adopting the NEI Resource Guide for national dissemination. We believe that the Resource Guide could be used by other states and regions and would like to make it available. We are particularly interested in using a nutrition informatics model by identifying ways of making the Resource Guide a totally electronic document. This would allow us to constantly update the Resource Guide and make other changes, based upon our evolving research.